The Women and Infants Health Specimen Consortium at Washington University is one of five pregnant subject biobanks in North America.
WIHSC provides a unique service in a number of ways: 1) It is capable of obtaining specimens from subjects over the entire 40 week period of pregnancy; 2) It collects a wide variety of specimen types; 3) It is capable of obtaining specimens prospectively, exactly to researchers’ specifications, in addition to providing researchers access to its bank of specimens.
Only four other facilities in North America provide such services for related to women’s and infants’ health:
Global Alliance to Prevent Prematurity and Stillbirth (GAPPS) Repository
University of Washington
Baylor College of Medicine
For more information, contact Kjersti Aagaard, MD, PhD at
Research Centre for Women’s and Infants' Health (RCWIH) Biobank
University of Toronto